Un sito dedicato alla vita di Jan Palach

“He died because he wanted to shout as loud as possible. He wanted us to realize what was happening to us, to see what we were really doing, and to hear what we were saying in those times of reputedly inevitable concessions, “reasonable” compromises, and hopefully clever tactical ploys. We started forgetting that something has to resist even the greatest pressure, something fundamental that cannot be bought or sold, but that is absolutely essential for maintaining our human dignity.”
From Charter 77 on the 20th anniversary of Jan Palach’s self-immolation, 15 January 1989
Dal sito ...
The pages contain historical texts, period photos, and archival documents. You may also familiarize yourself with Palach’s legacy through film, television and radio documentaries ... Before his death, he said 
“People must fight against the evil they feel equal to at that moment.”

17 January 1969
Ed ho scoperto che a Roma c'è un monumento a lui dedicato, dal gennaio 1970 - un anno dopo la sua morte il 19 gennaio 1969 (si era dato fuoco il 16 gennaio).


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